

Summer Family Fun 2024

Bean bags have taken over the living room and I love it! It’s so fun that the kids hang out together. Sera is snuggling under my final knitting project ever, the blanket I made with yarn she gave me one mother’s day nearly a decade ago! Took forever to finish!!!

Basketball, popsicles or snow cones, and pool time fun is a must in summer!

Finn snuggled with Maia’s shoes while she was at GS Camp. Awwww

Grandma planted blueberry bushes for Maia

Carson and Raegan’s graduation party!

Eric and I continued playing our Pandemic spreadsheet, but lots of other board games happen in summer fun!

Turkey mountain! I signed up for a virtual Harry Potter race so I convinced everyone to come get a couple miles done with me today. It was beautiful!

Back to School 2024!

Back to School 2024!

Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge