

Winter 2023 Family Fun

Winter 2023 Family Fun

Family day at the park! Random warm winter days are awesome.

The Martins gave us a GINORMOUS puzzle! I seriously wasn’t sure it would ever get finished! We started trying to sort pieces and it wouldn’t all fit on our table! I decided to start with the sky and see if I could get that done. It took months but it eventually got moved to the office and then the closet table and finished ;)

We all love Finnshine!!

He’s super cute with his rope giraffe.

He blends very well with my curtains. LOL

Maia says, “Of COURSE my mother is taking a picture of me reading.” ;) She loves to tell people I’m always taking pictures. And of course I can’t deny it. She might also be saying, “Of COURSE you want pictures of me reading these books, because you were right that I’d love them” ;) and I WAS!

The kids are ADDICTED to Aphmau! It combines a lot of their favorites, silly youtube, blind boxes, drafting, and trading. And cuddly kitties.

We got snow! Mostly ice but enough for some sledding fun for Maia

Sleepy snuggles are still the best.

Still a cheese stick fan.

Sera has worn her cape nearly every day since she got it!

Sera discovered Bitmoji. Adorbs.

Sera likes to sleep like a kitty in her box with all her stuffies.

Frosthaven FINALLY finished! We’re attempting to schedule Alex for every Sunday to play! And sometimes Hatcher can come along!

Best buddies. Hatcher likes Valorant now so it’s amazing gaming time.

DZ at a FAB tournament! He loves traveling and gaming with Daddy!

Excellent lucky trade! I love it when the kids are in the mood to play Pokemon with Mama.

Maia points out this car and tree every time we drive past the pecan farm. It looks just like the Weasley’s Ford Anglia and the Whomping Willow 😂😂😂. So today she wore her Hermione dress and we stopped for a picture. She was delighted to discover Fang as well. Plus, Pawnee pecans are delicious!

Brian came all the way from Texas to help Eric build a new computer!

Valentine’s Photos for my kids! They love real prints =)

Urban Air!

Papa took DZ, Hatcher and Sera to Incredible Pizza! They had a blast!!!

Young Jane Eyre

Young Jane Eyre

New Years Eve

New Years Eve