

End of Summer Wrap Up

End of Summer Wrap Up

There were just a few summer happenings that didn’t end up anywhere else, so here they are! Since Sera got a new bed, we played musical beds. Maia loved Sera’s trundle, and it was perfect in her room. DZ wanted a bigger bed, so he got to have the queen bed back in his room. That required a complete room reorganization to make everything work, but he loves it.

She put her bean bag on the trundle, and piled the animals on the actual bed ;) Fin loves it too =)

Time at last to take down the washi tape club from DZ’s closet ceiling. They enjoyed it for a good long while. Incidentally, DZ wears his headphones all over the house all the time ;)

When we first moved it in he was feeling kind of claustrophobic though so we moved his bean bag and went on a ruthless organizing spree. His closet is awesome now. Nothing on the floor and only clothes that fit 🤩. I love that he gets as excited as I do about decluttering 🥰 we also moved his art around to fit the new headboard and added a wall lamp for bedtime reading. It works!

Added two more honeycomb shelves since the goal was to get rid of the bedside table to clear floor space. We reorganized the pictures so the corner his bed faces was visually clearer too.

Moved the bean bag, and stole a second laundry basket from my yoga stuff to have a landing place for school stuff/shoes. Moved the rest of his Halloween collage here. These are his three favorite family costumes. He is such a cute cyclops!

Hard to get a pic but a super organization job deserves cute new black baskets to match his esthetic.

It’s magical when they all play the same game.

Tree pic recreated!

Snuggles =)

Games with Papa and Uncle J

Maia made me an escape room!!!

My birthday! Sera wrote me a poem, and she and DZ made me origami coupons.

Maia baked treats and wanted to display them appropriately! Soooo cute! And tasty. She and Eric also cooked a delicious dinner one day, with chicken and mashed potatoes.

Maia MISSED Finn while she was gone!

Maia was the only one who did the summer reading program this year. She got this very cool slug fidget thing.

DND character creation fun!

Maia got a cool haircut. One side is buzzed. it did make brushing easier, but her part is so wild it was usually hidden.

DZ begged to join Mark Rober’s summer camp! He got a box a week full of cool projects! He build this disk launcher and target thing first.

Random adorable sibling sleepover

Sera Back to School: Freshman Academy

Sera Back to School: Freshman Academy

Serenity's Bedroom Reveal!

Serenity's Bedroom Reveal!