

Swedish Pancakes

Swedish Pancakes

When I first asked the kids what they wanted to do in Sweden, their only idea was to have Swedish pancakes. We had them at several restaurants, but on our last day Tina convinced the kids to try the lake by promising she would make pancakes! So we all got wet (some of us from a sudden rain instead of a swim πŸ˜‚) and we all got the best pancakes!

Then all that was left was a looong flight and a longer drive and we’re home! I

We saw a deer on our walk to the lake! We weren’t sure it was real at first, it was so still

The kids learned Euchre! Or Weird Jack Game, as Sera now calls it.

A moose! DZ ended up with a lot of moose souvenirs from my shopping trip so he says he is a moose now πŸ˜‚

Very delicious (according to Eric) salt licorice pacifier)

Matching shirts are the boys favorite

Sera slept six hours on the plane! After all the debate about how late to let them stay up and how best to switch back to Oklahoma time she managed great sleep on our travel day! 😳🀩

The girls wore out their shoes on this trip and wanted to leave them in Shoecago so they tossed them at the long term parking lot as we found our car. They are down to flip flops πŸ˜‚

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Family Pictures

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Our House