Sweden Bound: St. Louis
On our way! We decided that having a direct flight to Sweden was worth a 10 hour drive to fly out of Chicago. Plus there were several things I had been thinking about doing that were in that direction anyway! We got as far as St Louis and stopped at the City Museum! It is incredible! Crazy twisty iron structures that the kids climbed all over and around! We also got beautiful views of the city!
Even the fence outside is beautiful! A beautiful stone and iron serpent that was fun to climb.
… this bus hangs over the edge of the roof. Can’t believe Maia convinced me to do this 😂
They were playing the Wednesday song so there was a lot of dancing with hands above our head 😜
DZ kept popping out of places and asking for pics, it was like whacamole or where’s Waldo 😂
I LOVED the treehouse! All these organic branches twined around with caves and nooks to explore!
Feels a little elvish. 🥰
Lots of hidden creature sculptures and mosaics too.
First dog seen and petted 😜
Every time we thought we were ready to leave, we’d see something else crazy and have to check it out. This was behind a giant bank vault door.
They are climbing up the ceiling 😳
These spindles were individually painted and spin! So pretty!
Chess! Draw game 🙂
DZ found a Mama friendly entry so I could climb on the iron too long enough for the pic. It is not nearly as easy as the kids made it look, I can’t believe Eric made it up an entire story! Poor knees, no wonder there are mountains of knee pads in the gift shop.
So Many Slides!!!
Eric started us off with a road trip game, list your top three in a certain category and see how many matches you get. So many funny and sweet answers. Maia listed Sera as one of her favorite musicians, awww. And DZ listed McD’s in his top three restaurants for the funny.
First stop: McDonalds. Dad’s legacy is secure 😂