

Ann and John's Spring Visit

Ann and John's Spring Visit

Ann and John came for a visit! We did all the fun things, like the Gathering Place and the Discovery Lab. John had in mind to get DZ a skateboard since he had so much fun with them when he was in Cali, and he also got Maia a bigger scooter!

Took the new wheels to the Gathering Place!

Ann took the girls out for a fun day at AR workshop, my favorite! Crafts and home decor, love it. We had so much fun!

Ann and Sera played Wordle every day!

I got a new badminton net and it got a lot of use!

Maia got another kiwi crate, and she and Ann made ravioli from scratch!

We spent plenty of time playing board games, bridge and other card games, but we also got out the chess set!

Ann and John got us a family membership to the Discovery Lab! We hadn’t been since they moved to the new spot, and they have so many cool new activities! I especially love the programmable water wall.

We walked from the Discovery Lab so we got to enjoy the rock towers. So cool.

Swing Hill! We don’t always make it this far south. Super fun!

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