

Yes Day!

Yes Day!


It’s been one year since we found out Donovan has diabetes. I am so proud of how the kids have handled everything this year has thrown them. Donovan has learned all about counting carbs and how his insulin works and does a better job making reasonably healthy choices than a lot of adults. Serenity and Maia love their brother so much and help out in so many ways. Maia is especially good at finding the Dexcom when it goes missing. So today we are celebrating by having a YES day. So far they’ve asked for donuts for breakfast, to download half a dozen new apps on the iPad, (normally I only let them get one even though they are free) and Maia asked for Puppy Place books. They broke open the taco piñata and found washi tape, Avengers bandaids and bouncy balls. (No candy, they brought home valentines yesterday ). So far so fun!  Giant tent and no limit for electronics? YES. Ice cream twice in one day? YES. Crazy glow bath with Mama? YES.

I love so much that he slept with the taco pinata =)

I love so much that he slept with the taco pinata =)

Serenity hand wrote their menu.  They took YES day seriously =)  SO fun!!!

Serenity hand wrote their menu. They took YES day seriously =) SO fun!!!

Glow Bath =)  She used those glow sticks to give me a spiky hairdo =)  We blocked the window with cardboard so they would be brighter.

Glow Bath =) She used those glow sticks to give me a spiky hairdo =) We blocked the window with cardboard so they would be brighter.

They wanted Braum’s AND Rose Rock.  And Ted’s! =)  Restaurants multiple times in the same day never happens, but today it was a YES.

They wanted Braum’s AND Rose Rock. And Ted’s! =) Restaurants multiple times in the same day never happens, but today it was a YES.

Craft Craziness

Craft Craziness

February Fun

February Fun