

Donovan's 10th Birthday Nerf War!

Donovan's 10th Birthday Nerf War!

Donovan wanted to have a Nerf War for his birthday!  It was such a fun plan, and mostly outdoors so we had a couple of friends over!  I planned three rounds of Nerf wars, upgrading the guns after every round and hiding them in the yard with lots of ammo for the kids to find.  I also made giant nerf darts out of pool noodles, which the kids LOVED playing with.  They threw them at my target occasionally but also at each other and used them as swords.  Dad helped me build another batch of tents since we were making them for the Girl Scout tie dye party, and I dyed them in greens and blues to match Donovan’s party colors.  The kids used them as bases and to hide behind as they attacked!  We set up the yard into an obstacle course using Donovan’s old bunk bed, ladders, dropcloths, netting, hammocks, and the new tents.  It was a BLAST!

Round Three Big Guns =)

Round Three Big Guns =)

I shot Eric with both the camera and the nerf gun

I shot Eric with both the camera and the nerf gun

Maysen is stealing ammo back

Maysen is stealing ammo back

Round one and two success! We started with pistols and then upgraded to six shooters. They love finding guns and ammo hidden all over the yard. Cooling down with pizza and video games before round three!! We borrowed lots of guns from cousins and the Dills so we could have this craziness without going broke . But we did buy a few to send home as favors, plus Donovan got a new fancy nerf gun that he loves.  We also got ammo wristbands, eye protection, and face masks to prepare them for battle!  Plus, they loved building bases and hideouts with all the yard obstacles!


They chose their favorite Fortnite emotes! Donovan picked the dabbing donut =)

Pizza and switch time! Plus Chug Jugs to rehydrate.  Full Metal Fury!  We got a new game just for the party.

Pizza and switch time! Plus Chug Jugs to rehydrate. Full Metal Fury! We got a new game just for the party.

Papa John’s made target pizzas for me =)

Papa John’s made target pizzas for me =)

Chug Jugs and Med kits.  (Hershey bars and sugar free gatorade)

Chug Jugs and Med kits. (Hershey bars and sugar free gatorade)

Pretty sure DZ just stole the mission launcher from Maysen’s base 

Pretty sure DZ just stole the mission launcher from Maysen’s base 


 They discovered the giant nerf bullets! They mostly threw them at each other and the targets with the occasional light saber style attack..  A brief peace talk 

 They discovered the giant nerf bullets! They mostly threw them at each other and the targets with the occasional light saber style attack.. A brief peace talk 

Round three, time for the big guns!

Round three, time for the big guns!

They LOVED stockpiling all the ammo.  I’m so glad I got all the ammo drop boxes.

They LOVED stockpiling all the ammo. I’m so glad I got all the ammo drop boxes.

So excited for the return of fishing!!!

So excited for the return of fishing!!!

Nearly ready for the nerf war! Setup pics below!

New tents!  Love an excuse to tie dye.  Donovan wanted them BRIGHT!

New tents! Love an excuse to tie dye. Donovan wanted them BRIGHT!

I made this target with a pool noodle, golf tees and ping pong balls!  They live on the windowsill in DZ’s room now.

I made this target with a pool noodle, golf tees and ping pong balls! They live on the windowsill in DZ’s room now.

Ammo wristbands, camo scarves/face masks, eye protection, and nerf pistol party favors.  Labeled with the kids names on them ;)

Ammo wristbands, camo scarves/face masks, eye protection, and nerf pistol party favors. Labeled with the kids names on them ;)

DZ loves mini M&Ms and with the blue wrap they looked just like nerf darts!  So fun!

DZ loves mini M&Ms and with the blue wrap they looked just like nerf darts! So fun!

Crazy Forts are one of my best investments.  They make a great frame for targets!  I’ve done this several times for the kids and they love it!

Crazy Forts are one of my best investments. They make a great frame for targets! I’ve done this several times for the kids and they love it!

Donovan's 10th Birthday Update!

Donovan's 10th Birthday Update!

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Spring School Stuff