December Daily Day 1: Ice Skating
December Daily Day 1: Ice Skating at Winterfest! We had another warm day for skating, although not quite as puddly as last time. All three kids loved it, and they are tall enough that it didn’t break Eric to help them around the rink! Serenity zoomed right back on the ice. DZ started with the walker thing but moved on to holding the wall and even let go and got up to speed by the end. Maia thinks she can do it and so she does 😁. We finished off downtown fun with ice cream from Rose Rock Creamery. Mmmmmmm. After some iPad time on games Kenzi showed them during last nights sleepover, we played Legacy of Dragonholt. And now I’m going to be the first one in the house asleep which is why this is just posted to Facebook and not the blog 😂