

Halloween 2010

IMG_3411We had such a blast for Halloween this year! I bought Serenity a book, Dora's Costume Party, so we could start discussing costume possibilities early. She decided she wanted to be a "ballet girl" just like Isa, the iguana from Dora. She has a dancing puzzle that Juan and Veronica got her that she's put together maybe fifty times now so she is definitely fascinated by all those dancing girls =) IMG_3407 The costume was easy as she had several cute tutus already. She seems to lean towards the more purple/pink one right now, so I got pink pants and a shirt from Old Navy and dressed them up a little with some flowers and ribbons, and made a headband for her hair. And a basket to match since really that was too easy. =) She is really excited to get going!!  We went to a little Halloween carnival Thursday with her cousins Casey, Barrett and Aunt Jen. It was so much fun! Serenity did not really understand the concept of putting candy in the bucket to save for later, but we discussed it at least. Her favorite treat was the "pink sugar" (cotton candy). She could have eaten the entire bag easily. I hid it in the car after a reasonable amount =) The carnival was a great deal, as it cost just five dollars and they had a jump house you could go in as often as you wanted. There were tons of games you got candy at too, but Serenity was mostly interested in jumping. Casey won a purple ring that he gave her, which she has worn at least part of every day since. =) IMG_3410 Mouth full of pink sugar and sticky fingers =) On Halloween Serenity went trick-or-treating with her Daddy. She did a great job! She held Daddy's hand, put the candy in the bucket, and said thank you! After each house, he'd ask her if she wanted to do another house or go back to Mama, and she chose to keep going for quite a few houses! At one point (maybe when it started getting a lot darker) she decided she'd gotten a little too far away from Mama and they headed back to the house. We let her choose one candy from her bucket to eat that night, and she picked skittles. When she opened it she said, "Mama loves red skittles!" and popped the first piece in my mouth. So sweet! And I can't believe she remembered that as it had been months since we'd had any skittles. =)

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Pumpkin Patch