

Serenity is Seven Months Old!

Serenity is Seven Months Old! Every day is a new adventure with Serenity =) We take walks almost every day, because she is a true California Girl. She loves to be outside in the sunshine! Most days we go to the park and swing, and then wander through the grocery store on our way home. One of the things Serenity loves most about these walks is seeing all the people! She is a very social baby. She smiles so beautifully! She has just the biggest grin, and she shows it off whenever anyone talks to her or looks at her. Her favorite part of traveling is wandering around airport terminals making friends with everyone that walks past. Somebody traveling said she was a little piece of sunshine and she just made his day. I love walking with her and smiling with all the people we meet too. It’s so neat that everyone responds so happily to her. Her favorite things right now are reading books, going to the park, and practicing her walking and cruising! She LOVES to be read to. She even turns the pages now! It's so adorable. And of course, lots of fun for me! Her favorite books are still PeekaWho and anything by Sandra Boynton. Right now we have Barnyard Dance, Pajama Time, and Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs! It's interesting because I can tell she has favorite parts to each of these books. Since she turns the pages, I can see that she stares at some pages longer than others.

We still go to the park nearly every day, and now Daddy can come with us! (Since he's currently job hunting, in case you weren't aware) We've expanded our park repertoire to include sliding down slides and playing in the sand. The first time she played in the sand, she of course stuck a whole handful in her mouth. She promptly spewed it back out with an appropriately disgusted face. And she stopped eating it which I thought was pretty smart =) We also practice walking at the park! She really loves to be standing up! She can stand by herself holding onto the couch, and is taking a few little cruising steps. She can also pull up if the circumstances are good. She loves to stand holding Eric's lightsaber. She gets really excited when he brings it out now =) It's so cute!
We’ve been having lots of fun playdates with Henry and Aidan! Henry lets us babysit him every once in a while, which we all love! It’s so cute to see how excited Serenity gets watching him in her swing, or when they are both laying in the bed. This week, Henry was excited to see her too! He smiled and laughed at her! I just love it! Serenity wants to reach out and touch Henry though, which we have to keep an eye on. If she’d go for his hands it’d be fine, but she always seems to want to go for his face. Serenity and Aidan are playing better together now too! Aidan seems to tolerate Serenity better, even though she has started stealing any toy he has in his hands. It never fails, whatever he’s playing with looks like the most fun. And poor Aidan is so polite he doesn’t grab it back from her. We will definitely have to keep our eyes on this! Aidan has even started patting her, which is a big step as he typically didn’t want to be anywhere near her before =) They sat side by side playing for at least twenty minutes in front of the yookidoo. They are all enjoying their books now, and Eric’s rendition of barnyard dance gets all the kids giggling.

Serenity is Seven Months Old!

Cute Picture