

Cruising and (almost) Crawling

Serenity is getting more mobile every day! She is cruising! She does very well holding onto our couch and taking a few steps along it. She often decides that she doesn't need the couch's help which means she ends up diving or sitting abruptly. Sometimes though she manages to stand on her own for a second or two, or she leans against the couch and plays with the toys in her hands. It's amazing! She loves to play on the outside of her Jumperoo now, holding onto the bars and playing with the toys. She can pull up on both the Jumperoo and her Yookidoo! She stands now to play with the balls as Daddy rolls them down. She's even cruised around the Yookidoo, which is fun! Now that she's getting better at all this though, she's also falling and hurting herself a lot more. She's had two bruises now, one on her forehead and one on her cheek by her eye. They don't last long, but they make Mama and Dada feel bad =) She tends to hurt herself on the dining room table, but she's so fascinated by it it's hard to keep her away from it of course.
If she looks a little unstable in the second picture, it's because she plopped on her bottom just as I took it. =)
She's still trying to crawl. She gets herself into all kinds of weird yoga positions, like pushing up on her hands and toes. She can get up onto all fours, but she can't coordinate the movement of arms and legs to go forward. She can go backwards, and spin in circles. But trying to go forward usually just lands her on her tummy =)
She loves walking holding onto people's fingers. She grabs on really tight and won't let go until you give in and walk her around. She does this cute backbend to look up at the person walking her. =)

Cruising and (almost) Crawling

Serenity's Scrapbook! November to January