

Serenity's Birthday Party!!!

IMG_1719_edited copy Serenity’s Second Birthday Party!

We had an absolute blast!!! The kids had so much fun with all the Princess Presto stuff!

Serenity loves her Princess Presto crown!

They all LOVED finding Super Letters! Serenity found the first all by herself in the pond in the backyard, and she ran inside with it and I showed her where they went on the birthday sign (Super Duper Computer) The rest of the kids then realized the game was on and ran all over the house and yard looking for the Super Letters! I thought this would be fun, but I didn’t realize it would be fun for them to take them down and hide them over and over! They did it for nearly the whole party =) And at one point Casey proved the villain that stole the Super Letters was Airduct! (He used awesome reasoning by the way, questioning everyone about their whereabouts until he narrowed it down to Eric) Serenity read the word Happy off her sign =) IMG_1473 Making capes was a lot of fun! At first all the kids just ran around in the capes, most waving the glittery wands as well. Barrett went all out and wore one of the work hats for the whole party, he ran to me and told me he was Alpha Pig. Later, they realized that they could use stickers to decorate their capes! Casey wrote Super C on his, and then Barrett asked Jen to decorate his for him. =) Raegan spent the most time on her cape, it was covered in bling! She was happy to model it =) Later Casey decorated the reverse side of his cape as “Dark N,” his evil twin. Super C reading Serenity her new Princess Presto book!

Raegan loves the superhero bling! I got some really fun pictures of the super heroes posing with the super hero backdrops, and they had fun with the Super Why board as well! Just the older kids understood the concept of posing with it though, the little ones loved playing with the windows and looking at the painted side. So next time I’ll put something on the back to lure the kids back there =) Or put a mirror so they can see themselves as they pose! Raegan wanted to have her picture taken as each super hero! The kids enjoyed the playground in Mom’s yard too. Serenity rode the tire swing with Barrett! Papa thought she would have stayed there all day if Barrett hadn’t gotten tired. IMG_1412 IMG_1422 IMG_1415 IMG_1364 Serenity enjoyed the tea party too! She ate an entire peanut butter and jelly tea sandwich. It was shaped like a heart =) All the kids liked the fancy teacups that Serenity and I decorated, and the table turned out cute! I especially love the throne Dad built for Serenity =) Every time Serenity walked away from it Casey or another of the kids would claim a turn in the throne! IMG_1441 IMG_1466_edited For birthday cake we had Strawberry Shortcake with Strawberry Whipped Cream. Strawberries and cream is a treat we discovered at Papa’s house and Serenity loves it even more than cake! Mom told me at the party that Mimi always made her shortcake with strawberry whipped cream like that! I also filled some strawberries with the strawberry cream, that was my favorite treat =) I made two batches of Sand Tarts, because the pink icing was perfect for this party, and Serenity loves them too. I also attempted Purple Velvet cake balls. I think it takes some more practice to make them pretty, but people said they were tasty, so that’s ok. Enjoying her Sand Tart Blowing out the candles!  Well, the fan helped but she did blow =) Serenity enjoyed her Book Club Tent! I think her favorite part was climbing in the window so far. She did change the clothes on the doll a few times, and she loved finding the new Super Why books in the pockets! Later I’ll show her all the letters she can write words with on the book. She loved taking the pencils off too! IMG_1653 IMG_1652 We did fishing again! Barrett and Casey started asking the minute they saw the big blue pond when it was time to fish. They remembered from last year =) Serenity chose the number foam puzzle and really tried to fish for it this year. The best part was when Grandma asked if she could have a turn fishing. Eric told her to go line up with the kids. He had been choosing the next fisherman by eeny-meeny-miney mo, and Casey had been waiting patiently as all the other kids were picked, but when Grandma got picked before him he said “OH MAN!” Grandma wanted the little package of balls to play with her puppies =) IMG_1559 When we got home Serenity was worn out! She fell asleep on the couch, only the second time I’ve ever seen her fall asleep not in a bed or with me! Actually I fell asleep too. Then, when it was time for her actual bedtime, of course our bedtime stories were her two new Super Why books! IMG_1711_edited Snuggling Mama on the couch =) Fun with boas =)  or furry scarves =) Sneaking a Sand Tart before the party =)  Super Pink!

Gathering 2010 Day 1&2

Serenity's Party Details =)